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SOLACE – Psychological Counselling, Indian Organization


Counselling in Kerala for expatiate Keralites or Malayalees

For expatriate Keralites or Malayalees seeking counselling services in Kerala, there are various options available to address a wide range of mental health concerns and personal issues. Counselling services in Kerala are provided by qualified professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, and therapists. Here are some ways expatriate Keralites or Malayalees can access counselling services in Kerala.

Hospitals and Mental Health Clinics: Many hospitals and mental health clinics in Kerala have dedicated departments or centres offering counselling and psychotherapy services. These facilities are staffed with experienced mental health professionals who provide individual counselling, couples therapy, family counselling, and group therapy sessions.

Private Counselling Centres and Therapy Clinics: Kerala has numerous private counselling centres and therapy clinics that offer confidential counselling services for individuals, couples, families, and children. These centres are run by licensed counsellors, psychologists, and therapists who specialize in various areas such as depression, anxiety, stress management, relationship issues, grief counselling, and trauma recovery.

Teletherapy and Online Counselling Platforms: Expatriate Keralites or Malayalees living abroad can access counselling services from Kerala through teletherapy and online counselling platforms. These platforms connect individuals with licensed counsellors and therapists via video calls, phone calls, or online chat sessions, allowing them to receive support and guidance from the comfort of their own homes.

Community Mental Health Centres: Kerala has community-based mental health centres and outreach programs that provide counselling and support services to individuals and families in local communities. These centres often collaborate with government agencies, NGOs, and community organizations to raise awareness about mental health issues and promote mental well-being. Keralites or Malayalees can inquire about counselling services available in their local communities through community health centres or local government offices.

University Counselling Centres: Universities and educational institutions in Kerala often have counselling centres that offer support services to students, faculty, and staff. These counselling centres provide individual counselling, crisis intervention, workshops, and support groups to address various academic, personal, and emotional concerns. Keralites or Malayalees studying or working at universities in Kerala can access counselling services through university counselling centres.

Overall, expatriate Keralites or Malayalees have access to a range of counselling services in Kerala, including in-person counselling, teletherapy, online counselling, community-based support programs, and university counselling centres. It’s essential to choose a counselling provider or platform that meets your specific needs and ensures confidentiality, professionalism, and quality care.